Aurora…& Sylvia……

By Marcello drone aerial photography was created in the early part of 2015 as a my new business brand adventure unifying two big passion of my life: photography and Aviation.

I operate two UAV’s (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle) which I have registered as Aurora ( Phantom 3 Pro) and “The Spirit of Sylvia” ( Inspire 1 PRO)

The INSPIRE 1 PRO carries three interchangeable camera: Normal RGB video/photographic camera, Thermal Imaging camera and NDVI camera…

The Video below will tell you the reason why my “flying machines” have been named Aurora and “the spirit of Sylvia”

This is what I do…in a nutshell

This is where I can come handy with my drones…..


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or Drone, as commonly used, are getting increasingly used by the day for the needs of the renewable wind energy industry.

• Maximising health and safety (H&S) – the industry standard method of inspecting turbine blades in a wind farm is to use mobile access platforms or rope access techniques.

• Inspecting functionality of large-scale solar facilities often comes down to thousands of man hours inspecting, identifying and isolating faulty, dirty or shaded solar panels. This extremely lengthy process is expensive to carry out and, although necessary,contributes to a reduction of the profits of solar energy farm.

• Stress fractures or ripples in the metals. They also highlight dents and their depth.

• Stress points in the moving part of the turbine that generate heat (friction) and indicate need of maintenance before breakdown point.

• Defective panels in a solar farm give off more heat than functioning panels and this temperature imbalance can be easily measured by infrared camera.



CONSTRUCTION4You can use drones to quickly survey your job site and build maps. Instead of using human resources, heavy machinery and expensive surveying tools, that produce complex data, you can get the job done in half the time and money, with greater accuracy. Missing, damaged, or inadequate insulation, building envelope air leaks, moisture intrusion, and substandard work are costly to residential and commercial building owners. By Marcello infrared camera installed on our drones can help you quickly see and find the sources of energy efficiencies, destructive water damage, and structural issues so you can help customers make informed decisions on needed repairs that can help them save energy (£££s) and stay more comfortable.

Environmental monitoring

Drone aerial photography and videography fills a gap between manned aerial inspections and traditional fieldwork, monitoring hard to reach areas, or taking readings in contaminated areas where human health would be at risk. The ability to quickly deploy and capture an area of interest in context, with in-situ measurements,provides an advantage to contamination and reclamation work. The site-specific insight will greatly improve habitat restoration, environmental assessments, monitoring and remediation.By Marcello’s Drone with Thermal and Near infrared sensors provide details of plant health to determine environmental health. Also our Thermal Imaging can help in the area ofenvironment.

Agricultural work


Drone aerial photography can provide farmers with three types of detailed views.

First – seeing a crop from the air can reveal patterns that expose everything from irrigation problems to soil variation and even pest and fungal infestations that aren’t apparent at eye level.

Second – thanks to our Thermal Imaging facilities, airborne cameras can take multispectral images,capturing data from the infrared as well as the visual spectrum, which can be combined to create a view of the crop that highlights differences between healthy and distressed plants in a way that can’t be seen with the naked eye.

Third – our operating low-altitude view (from a few meters above the plants to around 120 meters, which is the regulatory ceiling in the UK imposed by the CAA) gives a perspective that farmers have rarely had before.

Compared with satellite imagery, it’s much cheaper and offers higher resolution. Because it’s taken under the clouds, it’s unobstructed and available anytime. It’s also much cheaper than crop imaging with a manned aircraft, which can run £1,000+ an hour.

With our drone, I can do a precision monitoring of fields, keeping an optimal environment, irrigation conditions and avoid infection. All of this is enabled by using Normalised Difference Vegetation Index images or NDVI, which are extremely detailed and could also help you to measure and monitor plant growth and much more.



Drone Aerial photography and video, from By Marcello aerial photography, can now supply angles and views that were, until now, only accessible using extremely expensive traditional aerial systems (helicopters). Operating safely and efficiently, our aerial cameras provide unique coverage that is unavailable from the ground level. When blended with our “optional” ground level video and photographic capabilities, we produce seamless videos and still images that showcase your organisation’s true spirit.


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Dad and I.He, unwillingly, kickstarted my love for photography by buying me a cheap camera….

Let’s begin ……I am a professional photographer and I have been all my working life
.Photography has been a passion of mine for my entire life. My first memory of photography was at the age of 9, when my father returned from a business trip in the United States – he brought me back a small camera, he had bought it for just one dollar, I was hooked on photography from that moment…

I often wonder if  my father knew  ,as he passed me that memory catcher,  that he was creating my entire future……

I  had a varied life as a photographer – from sport to fashion to beauty to fine art to wedding photography’ and finally Aerial photographer

I may hold a host of experience under my belt but  if you asked me where my love lies, I would honestly answer that  ‘photography is my passion’.

I guess it is absolutely fine to spread your own talents across the field you love the most and sit back and enjoy as the images take form.

I have come a long way since  my  childhood days, practicing in my makeshift darkroom, using that one-dollar camera my father bought for me on his return from his business trip in the USA ….

During my life , my love for photography always consisted with another passion: aviation.

Aerial photography has been always one unachievable dream till few years ago. The advent of the drone technology, allowed myself to approach “the sky” in a way that was making my dream affordable. In 2015 I finally qualified as Drone pilot, and later ion the year I was awarded by the CAA with the PFAW (Permission for aerial work) which allows me to operate commercially.

A new fascinating chapter of my photographic career, now I can really say that for me now: “the shy is not a limit ” anymore